How To Find The Right Property Solicitor in 2024 (Without Breaking The Bank)

How To Find The Right Property Solicitor in 2024 (Without Breaking The Bank)

Introduction: Understanding the Property Landscape in Ireland

The process of buying or selling property in Ireland demands the expertise of a qualified property solicitor. In 2024, the complexities of property transactions require not just any legal professional but one who specialises in conveyancing and property law. It’s crucial to verify that your solicitor is registered with the Law Society of Ireland, ensuring they meet the stringent qualifications required to practice. This step guarantees that you are engaging with a solicitor who has the necessary legal background and expertise.


When embarking on this crucial legal journey, it’s important to understand the nuanced roles played by different types of legal professionals. While a conveyancer can handle administrative aspects of property transactions, a qualified solicitor offers a broader range of services, including dealing with complex legal issues that may arise. This distinction is key in ensuring you have the right expertise on your side.


In the dynamic landscape of Irish property law, it’s more important than ever to choose a solicitor who can adeptly navigate the evolving legal terrain. Their role extends beyond basic legal procedures; they provide essential guidance, ensuring compliance with current laws and regulations, and offering peace of mind through the complexities of property transactions.

How To Find The Right Property Solicitor in 2024 (Without Breaking The Bank) | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors

Role of Property Solicitors: Beyond Legal Jargon

A proficient property solicitor brings more than just legal expertise to the table. They are crucial in ensuring clear communication throughout the transaction process. Effective communication is not only about articulating legal aspects but also involves listening carefully to your needs and preferences, ensuring they are accurately represented in all legal documentation.


Logical reasoning and research skills are indispensable traits of a good property solicitor. Complex transactions, especially those involving unique property types or intricate legal situations, require a solicitor who can process vast amounts of information and conduct thorough research. This ensures that all aspects of the transaction, such as property deeds and potential liens, are meticulously handled.


Moreover, the importance of people skills cannot be overstated. Given the significance and duration of most property transactions, working with a solicitor who is not only technically proficient but also personable can greatly enhance your experience. A solicitor who understands the personal and emotional aspects of buying or selling a property can provide support that goes beyond legalities, making the process more comfortable and less stressful.

How To Find The Right Property Solicitor in 2024 (Without Breaking The Bank) | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors

How To Identify the Right Solicitor For Your Needs

In seeking the right property solicitor, it’s crucial to consider their experience with local issues. A solicitor with local knowledge can offer invaluable insights, such as awareness of specific local regulations, potential developments, or environmental concerns that might impact your transaction. This local expertise ensures that your solicitor can provide tailored advice relevant to your property’s location.


Transparency in fee structure is another critical consideration. When discussing fees, ensure that your solicitor provides a clear and comprehensive breakdown. Understand whether they charge a fixed fee or a percentage of the property price, and ensure there are no hidden costs. A transparent fee structure from the outset helps avoid any surprises later on.


Independence from third-party influences is also important. Ensure that your solicitor’s advice is unbiased and solely in your best interest, free from any affiliations or incentives from other parties involved in the transaction, such as mortgage lenders or real estate agents. This independence guarantees that the advice and services you receive are tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

How To Find The Right Property Solicitor in 2024 (Without Breaking The Bank) | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors

Balancing the Scales: Quality Legal Services at a Fair Price

When considering the cost of legal services, it’s essential to not only focus on the fees but also the value provided. A good solicitor should offer a transparent fee structure. They should clearly explain all potential costs upfront, including their fees and any additional charges that may arise during the transaction. This transparency ensures you can budget effectively and make informed decisions.


While comparing fees, remember that the cheapest option may not always offer the best value. A low quote might come with compromises in service quality, which can add stress to the transaction process. Therefore, it’s important to balance affordability with the quality of service, ensuring you receive comprehensive legal support without overextending your budget.


To make an informed decision, it’s advisable to ask about all potential fees and what they cover. Clarify if there are any circumstances under which the initial quote might change and what additional charges you might expect. This will help you understand the full financial scope of engaging their services and avoid any unexpected costs.

How To Find The Right Property Solicitor in 2024 (Without Breaking The Bank) | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors

Starting Your Search: Effective Strategies to Find the Best

Reputation and reviews are crucial factors in selecting a property solicitor. Checking online reviews and testimonials can provide insights into a solicitor’s performance and client satisfaction. Additionally, personal recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues can guide you towards a reliable solicitor. A solicitor’s past performance often indicates their ability to handle your transaction effectively.


The Law Society of Ireland’s ‘Find A Solicitor’ service is a valuable resource for verifying a solicitor’s credentials. This service lists solicitors who are members of the Law Society and meet certain standards, giving you peace of mind about their qualifications and legitimacy. However, it’s also important to conduct your research, including checking reviews and seeking personal recommendations, to ensure you find a solicitor who fits your specific needs.


When reaching out to potential solicitors, pay attention to how they communicate from the outset. This initial interaction can be indicative of your future working relationship. A solicitor who responds promptly, answers your questions clearly and shows a willingness to understand your specific situation is more likely to provide the level of service you need throughout the conveyancing process.


How To Find The Right Property Solicitor in 2024 (Without Breaking The Bank) | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors

Assessing Your Solicitor: Experience and Qualifications

In assessing a solicitor’s credentials and experience, focus on their expertise in conveyancing and property law. A solicitor with a strong background in this area is better equipped to handle the specific challenges and nuances of property transactions. Their experience in dealing with various property types and transaction complexities can be invaluable in ensuring a smooth process.


Consider solicitors who demonstrate good judgment and due diligence. They should have the capability to foresee potential issues and address them proactively. This proactive approach can be crucial in avoiding unpleasant surprises or legal complications later in the transaction.

Inquire about their experience handling conveyancing cases similar to yours. A solicitor who has successfully managed transactions like yours can offer insights and strategies that are specifically relevant to your situation. Their past success in similar cases can be a good indicator of their ability to handle your transaction effectively.

How To Find The Right Property Solicitor in 2024 (Without Breaking The Bank) | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors

How Much Are Property Solicitor Fees in Ireland?

Understanding the fee structure of your solicitor is fundamental to a transparent and successful legal partnership. Solicitors may offer various fee arrangements, including fixed fees or percentage-based fees. It’s important to ask detailed questions about these fees to fully grasp what they encompass. Inquire about any additional costs that may arise during the transaction, such as search fees or administrative expenses.


Be proactive in discussing potential changes in fees. Ask your solicitor under what circumstances the initial quote might change and what the maximum expected cost could be. This approach ensures there are no surprises and helps you budget more accurately for your property transaction.


Remember, transparency and clarity in fee discussions are signs of a reputable solicitor. A solicitor willing to provide detailed information about their fees and services demonstrates a commitment to openness and client satisfaction. This transparency is crucial in building a trustful and effective working relationship.

How To Find The Right Property Solicitor in 2024 (Without Breaking The Bank) | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors

How To Recognise Red Flags in Your Solicitor Search

When searching for a property solicitor, be alert to potential red flags. One significant red flag is a lack of communication. A solicitor who does not respond promptly or fails to keep you informed can be a source of unnecessary stress and uncertainty. Effective communication is key to a smooth conveyancing process.


Be cautious of solicitors who are not upfront about their fees or who provide estimates that seem suspiciously low. This could indicate hidden costs that may surface later. A reputable solicitor will be transparent about their fee structure from the start, providing a comprehensive breakdown of costs.


Another red flag is a lack of specialization in property law. Ensure your solicitor has the necessary expertise and experience in conveyancing. A generalist may not have the depth of knowledge required for complex property transactions, which could lead to complications down the line.

How To Find The Right Property Solicitor in 2024 (Without Breaking The Bank) | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors

Staying Ahead: Future Trends in 2024 Irish Property Law

In a constantly evolving legal landscape, staying informed about future trends in property law is crucial. A good property solicitor should not only be knowledgeable about current laws but also proactive in keeping up with upcoming changes. This foresight is vital for ensuring that your transaction complies with both present and future legal standards.


Discuss with your solicitor how emerging trends, such as changes in environmental law or digital conveyancing, might impact your transaction. A solicitor who is aware of these trends and understands their implications can offer strategic advice, helping you navigate potential challenges effectively.


Your solicitor’s ability to anticipate and adapt to these changes is a testament to their dedication to their profession. It also ensures that you are receiving advice that is not only relevant today but will remain pertinent in the years to come, adding an extra layer of security to your property transaction.

How To Find The Right Property Solicitor in 2024 (Without Breaking The Bank) | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors

Conclusion: Why Kevin O’Higgins Solicitors?

In your quest to find the right property solicitor in 2024, consider these key factors to ensure a successful transaction. The right solicitor will provide not only legal expertise but also a partnership built on transparency, communication, and understanding. They will navigate you through the complexities of property law, ensuring that your transaction is handled efficiently and effectively.


As you consider your options, remember the value of choosing Kevin O’Higgins Solicitors. With our extensive experience, commitment to client satisfaction, and comprehensive knowledge of Irish property law, we stand ready to assist you in your property journey. Our transparent fee structure, excellent communication, and dedication to client needs make us a prime choice for you.

For more information or to start your property transaction with confidence, reach out to Kevin O’Higgins today. Let our expertise and dedication guide you through the intricacies of buying or selling property in Ireland, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.

How To Find The Right Property Solicitor in 2024 (Without Breaking The Bank) | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors
The ULTIMATE GUIDE To Enduring Power Of Attorney In Ireland (2023)

The ULTIMATE GUIDE To Enduring Power Of Attorney In Ireland (2023)


Life is an unpredictable journey with twists and turns that can challenge our emotional, financial, and mental well-being. While you may not have a crystal ball to see into the future, you can certainly prepare for unforeseen circumstances. One crucial aspect of this preparation, especially for adults at any stage of life, is setting up an Enduring Power of Attorney.

The following guide aims to demystify the subject of Enduring Power of Attorney in Ireland, explaining its importance, legal provisions, and how to go about it (without any stress). Ready to safeguard your future?

What Is Enduring Power Of Attorney?

The purpose of an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA), is to appoint a person (an Attorney), to manage your personal and/or financial affairs, in the event you become mentally incapacitated.


An EPA isn’t just a piece of paper; it’s a lifeline. It is a legal arrangement that ensures someone you trust implicitly can make crucial decisions on your behalf should you no longer have the mental capacity to do so yourself.


In simple terms, it’s a way to prepare for the worst, while hoping for the best.

Enduring Power Of Attorney vs. General Power of Attorney

Although this article focuses on the Enduring Power Of Attorney, understanding the different types of Powers of Attorney can help you decide which one suits your specific needs.


Powers of Attorney can either be specific, restricting the attorney to a narrow scope of tasks, or general, allowing them to do nearly everything you could do.

General Power of Attorney

A General Power of Attorney empowers someone to manage your property and/or affairs for a limited period. In other words, it’s a short-term delegation of authority.


Common use cases include going on an extended holiday or living abroad temporarily. Known also as an Ordinary Power of Attorney, this form is fully operational as soon as you sign it and doesn’t require registration.

Enduring Power of Attorney

If you need someone to act on your behalf because you’ve become mentally incapacitated—due to illness, an accident, or conditions like dementia—an Enduring Power of Attorney is the appropriate choice.


Unlike a General Power of Attorney, an EPA must be registered and comes into effect when you are no longer capable of managing your own affairs.


By understanding these distinctions, you can make a more informed choice tailored to your unique circumstances.

Without an EPA, the process becomes more complicated and stressful... | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors

When Is Enduring Power Of Attorney Necessary?

Think of an Enduring Power of Attorney as a safety net for adults of all ages. It’s not merely an “end-of-life” plan but a practical tool for life’s unexpected challenges.


There are many ways in which someone can lose their decision-making capacity and an EPA might be necessary. In Ireland, a high number of instances occur due to dementia, Alzheimer and strokes. According to the Alzheimer Society of Ireland, “it is estimated that there are 55,000 people living with dementia” in Ireland, with figures projected to rise above 150,000 by 2045.


Whether you’re entering retirement, running a business, or have a chronic illness, an EPA assures that your affairs are in competent hands.

What Safeguards Prevent Abuse Of Power?

An Enduring Power of Attorney is an incredibly potent legal document, granting extensive decision-making authority to your chosen attorney(s).


Therefore, it’s paramount to only appoint individuals you deeply trust. But trust isn’t the only line of defence; the system includes several built-in safeguards to minimize the risk of abuse.


Here are the key protective measures:


  • Registration Requirement: Attorneys cannot exercise any authority unless the EPA is registered. During the registration process, specific parties have the legal right to object, adding a layer of scrutiny.

  • Notification of Intent to Register: Before registration can proceed, those designated to act as your attorney must notify at least two individuals specified in the EPA document. This gives these individuals the opportunity to raise objections if they have concerns.

  • Medical Certification: An EPA is only actionable with at least one doctor’s certificate confirming that you have become incapable of managing your own affairs. Moreover, when the EPA was initially drafted, a doctor would have also issued a certificate asserting that you, the donor, fully understood the implications of what you were doing, and were neither under undue influence nor defrauded.

  • Donor Restrictions: As a donor, you have the option to specify conditions, restrictions, or limitations on what your attorney(s) can and cannot do on your behalf.


By understanding and leveraging these safeguards, you can further secure your interests and well-being.

Can I Revoke An Enduring Power Of Attorney?

After your Enduring Power of Attorney has been registered, you have the option to either revoke or modify it by notifying the Decision Support Services (DSS). However, this is only possible if the DSS has not already accepted a notification indicating your loss of mental capacity.


It’s worth noting that EPAs created prior to April 26, 2023, are not required to be registered. Should you wish to cancel your EPA, you can either physically destroy the document or supersede it with a new one.


To formally revoke or amend your EPA, your application must include the following:


  • A declaration confirming your understanding of the consequences of your actions.

  • A statement from a solicitor or barrister, corroborating that you fully grasp the implications of your request and are not acting under external pressure.

  • If you’re making changes, a confirmation statement from the attorney acknowledging the amendments.


For EPAs generated before April 26, 2023, registration with the DSS is not obligatory, and revocation can only occur through the High Court.

Do I Need An Enduring Power Of Attorney?

Yes, an Enduring Power of Attorney isn’t just a document for potential worst-case scenarios; it’s a strategic component of a well-rounded life plan.


It gives you and your loved ones the peace of mind that you have a plan in place.

What If I Don't Have An Enduring Power Of Attorney?

Without an EPA, the process of assigning someone to make decisions for you becomes more complicated and stressful.


If you do not have an EPA in place and lose mental capacity, your family will have to apply to the Court of Protection for a wardship order.


Applications for wardship are a court-based process. They can be both lengthy and expensive. It is much easier for everyone concerned if you have an EPA in place before any unfortunate situation arises.

How Do You Register An Enduring Power Of Attorney?

Registration isn’t just filling out a form and calling it a day; it’s a multi-step, legally intricate process that requires meticulous attention to detail.


The Decision Support Services (DSS) provides an online portal where individuals can initiate the process of setting up an EPA. While the online process offers some convenience, there are alternative methods available for those who find it challenging.


For example, you can authorise a legal representative to interact with the DSS on your behalf. This enables you to proceed through a paper-based manual process. Once you complete the EPA in paper form, it can be submitted to the DSS for registration.


Please note that you’ll need to verify your identity with the DSS as part of this process.

When Do You Register An Enduring Power Of Attorney?

Registration is a critical step that is triggered when you are losing or have lost mental capacity. It’s not just a procedural formality; it’s a legally mandated step to ensure that your attorney is properly empowered to act on your behalf.

The key factor is the level of trust and understanding between you and the individual or entity | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors

Who Should Be Your Enduring Power Of Attorney?

The selection of your Enduring Power of Attorney is not a decision to take lightly. This person will hold significant influence over your life, especially during vulnerable moments.


Consider their reliability, understanding of your wishes, and their ability to make tough decisions under pressure.

Who Cannot Be Your Enduring Power Of Attorney?

Just as there are qualities to seek in an EPA, there are also legal restrictions on who can serve in this role. For example:


  • Minors: Individuals under the age of 18 are ineligible.

  • Bankruptcy Filers: Persons who are bankrupt cannot serve as your attorney.

  • Fraud Convicts: If someone has been convicted of fraud, they are disqualified.

  • Company Act Disqualifications: Individuals disqualified under the Companies Act are not eligible.

  • Nursing Home Owners: If you reside in a nursing home, the owner—be it an individual or a trust corporation—cannot be your Enduring Power of Attorney.


By knowing who can and cannot be your attorney, you can make a more informed, legally sound decision.

Does Your Enduring Power Of Attorney Have To Be Family?

There’s a common misconception that your EPA must be a close family member. While many people do opt for relatives—owing to established trust and familiarity—it’s not a legal requirement.


Friends, business associates, or professional fiduciary services can also serve as your EPA. The key factor is the level of trust and understanding between you and the individual or entity.

Nominating A 3rd Party In Your Enduring Power Of Attorney

In complex situations, or to add an additional layer of security, a third-party nomination can serve as a ‘check’ on your primary EPA. This entity can be given specific oversight duties, adding another level of due diligence.

What Are Enduring Power Of Attorney Notice Parties?

In addition to informing your chosen Attorneys about the responsibilities you’re entrusting to them, you’re also required to notify two other individuals. They are known as your ‘Notice Parties.’


The criteria for selecting your Notice Parties are as follows:


  • If you are married or in a civil partnership and are cohabiting with your spouse or civil partner who is not serving as your Attorney, they must be one of the Notice Parties.

  • Your child can also serve as a Notice Party.

  • If you neither have a spouse, a civil partner, nor a child, you are obligated to select two relatives to act as your Notice Parties.


It’s important to note that these Notice Parties will be informed once more if there comes a time when the EPA needs to be activated.

The 2015 Act introduces a supported decision-making framework in Ireland | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors

What Irish Laws Govern Enduring Power Of Attorney?

Laws are not static; they evolve, and understanding the current legislative landscape is crucial. Several key pieces of legislation govern EPAs in Ireland.

Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015

Since 26 April 2023, the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 has been fully operational concerning Enduring Powers of Attorney. The 2015 Act overhauls the previous framework, introducing a new, supported decision-making framework in Ireland.


In short, it allows people to make legal agreements on how they can be supported to make decisions about their personal welfare, property and financial affairs. Applications for adults to become a Ward of Court can no longer be made.

Decision Support Services (DSS)

A noteworthy change is the establishment of a new Government Agency—the Decision Support Services (DSS). This agency has assumed the responsibilities previously held by the Wards of Court in the realm of EPAs.


The DSS provides an online portal where individuals can initiate the process of setting up an EPA. While the online process offers convenience, it may not be suitable for everyone due to its requirement for a certain level of IT competency.


If you find the online process challenging, there are alternative methods available. For instance, you can authorize a legal representative to interact with the DSS on your behalf. This enables you to proceed through a paper-based manual process.


Once you complete the EPA in paper form, it can be submitted to the DSS for registration. Please note that you’ll need to verify your identity with the DSS as part of this process.

Powers of Attorney Act 1996

The 1996 Powers of Attorney Act serves as the cornerstone legislation governing Powers of Attorney in Ireland.


This Act experienced a significant update with the enactment of the 2011 Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act. This amending Act introduced a new provision stating that an Enduring Power of Attorney will be nullified if the donor decides to revoke it before losing mental capacity.


It’s also important to note that the 1996 Powers of Attorney Act lays down the essential criteria that must be fulfilled for an Enduring Power of Attorney to be legally valid. This sets the foundational guidelines you’ll need to meet when establishing your EPA.

The Role Of The High Court

It’s essential to understand that the High Court plays a supervisory role when it comes to Enduring Powers of Attorney. Once an EPA is registered, its cancellation can only be approved by the High Court. This body also has the authority to provide directives concerning the management and disposal of the Donor’s assets.

What Does "Losing Mental Capacity" Mean?

Mental capacity is a complex and nuanced subject. Having a mental illness or going through a period of being unwell does not necessarily mean you’ve lost your mental capacity to make decisions for yourself.


In the context of an EPA, losing mental capacity is formally determined by a healthcare provider, typically a general practitioner or doctor.


In Ireland, the criteria to establish loss of mental capacity include:


  • The ability to understand the information relevant to the decision in question

  • The capability to retain that information long enough to arrive at a decision

  • The aptitude to weigh that information during the decision-making process

  • The competence to communicate the decision clearly


If you are concerned about your ability or that of a loved one to make reasoned decisions, it is strongly recommended that you seek medical consultation. If the doctor diagnoses a loss of mental capacity, it may be time to consider establishing or activating an Enduring Power of Attorney.

When Should "Incapacity" Be Notified?

The moment incapacity is suspected or confirmed, it should be reported to activate the EPA. However, understand that ‘activation’ is not a simple switch; it is a process that involves legal verification and potential court involvement.

The Scope Of An Enduring Power Of Attorney's Power

Understanding the parameters of the EPA can be likened to knowing the rules of a game—you play better when you know the boundaries. Your Enduring Power of Attorney’s role is not a blanket authority but is governed by the specific powers you grant in the legal document.

What Is An Enduring Power Of Attorney Obligated To Do?

The scope of your Enduring Power of Attorney’s obligations depends on the level of decision-making authority you grant them. An EPA can extend to both your financial and personal life, so it’s critical to choose wisely.

Financial Decisions

Financial responsibilities generally encompass, but are not limited to:


  • Management of your bank accounts

  • Oversight of your savings accounts

  • Engagement in investment activities, including buying and selling

  • Payment of your ongoing bills

  • Real estate transactions, such as buying or selling property

Personal Decisions

On the personal front, responsibilities can include but are not restricted to:


  • Deciding where you should live

  • Determining whom you should live with

  • Managing social interactions, including who you should or should not see

  • Recommending or overseeing training or rehabilitation programs

  • Making decisions about your diet and dress

  • Granting or denying permission to inspect your personal papers

  • Handling matters related to housing, social welfare, and other benefits


It’s crucial to note that these duties need to align with your wishes and best interests, a key aspect to discuss with your attorney(s) when setting up your EPA.

Common Mistakes With Enduring Power Of Attorney

Even with the best of intentions, mistakes can happen. Here are some pitfalls to avoid:


  • Ambiguous Language: Lack of clarity can lead to disputes. Be as specific as possible.

  • Failure to Update: Life changes, and so should your EPA. Regular reviews are essential.

  • Not Discussing Duties: The appointed attorney should be aware of and comfortable with their roles and responsibilities.
Having an EPA can significantly ease the emotional and logistical burdens on your family | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors

Who Monitors Enduring Power Of Attorneys?

The Decision Support Services (DSS) monitors the Enduring Power of Attorney.

How Do They Monitor An Enduring Power Of Attorneys?

If your attorney informs the DSS that you have lost your decision-making capacity, they must also submit a list of your assets. Each year, your attorney must submit a written report to the DSS setting out the costs, expenses and/or money paid. It’s crucial to maintain accounts and records of decisions.


If the DSS receive a complaint or wishes to check the activity of your attorney, they can send a visitor to speak with your attorney.


Here’s a quick breakdown of the various avenues that provide a safety net:


  • Court Oversight: Courts may require periodic reporting and can review any actions undertaken by the attorney.

  • Financial Audits: Depending on the scope of the EPA, external audits can be carried out to ensure financial propriety.

  • Third-Party Reports: Notice parties, social workers, or healthcare providers can serve as additional sets of eyes.

Frequently Asked Questions

As we’ve dived deep into the world of Enduring Power of Attorneys in Ireland, you likely have some questions. Here are some commonly asked queries and their answers:

What Is The Cost Of An Enduring Power Of Attorney?

In Ireland, the cost of an Enduring Power of Attorney can range from €500 to €1,000 in solicitor fees, with court registration costs added to the total. While costs can vary, it’s an investment in your peace of mind.

Can An Enduring Power Of Attorney Change A Will?

An Enduring Power of Attorney has no authority to change your will. Their jurisdiction ends with your life’s affairs and does not extend into posthumous matters.

Is An Enduring Power Of Attorney Valid After Death?

The Enduring Power of Attorney loses its validity the moment the donor passes away. From that point, the executor named in your will takes over.


Preparing for life’s uncertainties, especially as you approach your later years, is a topic many shy away from. However, the importance of this planning cannot be overstated. Having an Enduring Power of Attorney can significantly ease the emotional and logistical burdens on your family and loved ones should the unforeseeable occur.

If you find yourself with lingering questions or need expert assistance in setting up an Enduring Power of Attorney, we’re here to help. With years of specialised experience in elderly care law, Kevin O’Higgins Solicitors is equipped to guide you through this crucial life-planning phase. Contact us today for peace of mind for tomorrow.

The Ultimate Guide To Enduring Power Of Attorney In Ireland (2023) | Kevin O'Higgins Solicitors